Freight Transportation Data Research Lab

Sarah Hernandez, University of Arkansas, Department of Civil Engineering

UArk Students Win 3rd Consecutive Traffic Bowl

Each summer we host a workshop at the MarTREC sponsored summer camp for middle school girls. We introduce future engineers to traffic engineering with interactive activities with driving simulators

Researchers Join Roundtable on Maritime Freight

Maritime freight transportation was a hot topic in Fort Smith when stakeholders from across Arkansas and the United States gathered at the event co-organized by the U.S. Department of Transportation Maritime Administration, Western Arkansas Intermodal Authority, Western Arkansas Planning & Development District and Frontier Metropolitan Planning Organization.

Dr. Hernandez Receives NSF CAREER Award

CAREER: Towards Unbiased Long-Range Freight Planning Through Passive-Sensors and Workforce Diversity
This NSF CAREER grant will produce freight-goods movement data at resolution needed to make informed, data-driven, decisions about long-range transportation infrastructure investments and policies.  

New Technologies to Detect Trucks

We are developing a novel application of Lidar sensing technology. Our sensor detects trucks and identifies their body type.

Elementary School Outreach

Students from the Freight Transportation Research Data Lab host an after school workshop for 4th and 5th grade students that introduces them to traffic engineering, transportation planning, and road design.

Welcome to the Freight Transportation Data Research Lab

The Freight Transportation Data Research Lab is a research group under the direction of Sarah Hernandez within the Department of Civil Engineering at the University of Arkansas. Our group focuses on addressing freight transportation planning challenges for long range planning in the public sector. Research areas include: applications of Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS) technologies to address freight data gaps, modeling approaches to fuse new and emerging freight data sources to support long range planning, and generation of freight performance measures to support public sector decision making. One Page Research Overview

Department of Civil Engineering 
4190 Bell Engineering Center
Fayetteville, AR 72701 
Phone: (479) 575-4954 
Fax: (479) 575-7168